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This collection includes student created oral history projects for MAS 485/585 taught by Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith at the University of Arizona and document the Mexican American Chicana experience. Oral histories were conducted with family members and community leaders/members by students enrolled in Rubio-Goldsmith's courses. 


The MAS 485/585 Mexicana/Chicana Women's History course is a historical survey and sociological analysis of past and present experiences of Mexicanas and Chicanas in the United States and is a writing emphasis course offered at the University of Arizona through the Mexican Ameican Studies department.


Professor Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith is the Co-Director of the Binational Migration Institute at the Mexican American Studies program and focuses her historical research on the history of Mexicana/Chicana on the US-Mexico border. She is a community activist devoted to immigration rights, women's rights, and civil rights in general.

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