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This collection contains interviews created by Abraham Chanin dating from 1974 to 1977 with prominent Arizona settlers, politicians, University of Arizona faculty, and members of Indigenous communities.
Notable figures include artist Charles Loloma, who discusses the Hopi community, and onetime Tohono O'odham chairman Enos Francisco, who details life on the Papagueria. Also of note is an interview with Hiro Nomura, William Kajikawa, and Margaret Kajikawa discussing their experiences in a Japanese-American internment camp, and Hayzel Burton Daniels discussing African American pioneers. Other interviewees include politicians Raul Castro, Morris Udall, and University of Arizona faculty Emil Haury and Roy Drachman.
Several of the interviews were used as source material for This Land, These Voices by Abe Chanin with Mildred Chanin, published in 1977.
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